February 6, 2014


I am a Believer.  I am saved.  God sent His Son Jesus, Jesus died for my sins and rose again, and the veil separating me from God was forever torn.  I am Heaven-bound.  I say that simply to remind you of that fact as I verbalize my spiritual questionings.

I have yet to read anything about the big debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye.  I haven’t clicked on any FB links or read any news articles.  But the whole Christians-debating-others thing is sort of disgusting to me.  Here’s why:

1) In my humble opinion, Believers trying to convince non-Believers of anything scriptural or spiritual except for the saving grace of Christ is fruitless and a waste of time.  How in the Sam hill can anyone expect a non-Believer to grasp and understand the supernatural things of our Scripture?!? Believers have the Holy Spirit to help them discern and understand and trust Truth.  Without the Holy Spirit, it’s like trying to convince someone who has never seen or felt or tasted or understood the concept of water that an ocean exists.

2) Nowadays I question whether God cares that people believe the Bible’s many stories “literally”.  Whether biblical history occurred exactly as it’s spoken in the Bible, or whether God’s Scripture-writers used story and allegory DOES NOT MATTER.  (Yes ma'am, I can say that now.)  It is the understanding and concept of God’s plan for mankind that matters.  You want to get stuck arguing that creation occurred exactly as Scripture says?  I would rather spend my time in realizing, through the story of creation, what a big God I have and that He cares enough about me to want a personal relationship with me and that He can create something out of nothing.  I don’t care if the Earth is 6,000 years old or if it’s millions of years old.  What you or I personally believe about that doesn’t mean diddly squat in the scheme of God’s love.

3) Jesus spoke in story and allegory all the time.  Who is to say that the Scripture-writers didn’t use the same method to share God’s truths?  If it was a good enough teaching method for Christ, do you think it could be good enough for the rest of Scripture?

In my lifetime I’ve seen and read about denominations in uproar, church members being asked to leave, and church congregations splitting over the debate of the “literacy” of Scripture.  I bet that makes God so proud.  I think He’d be much prouder if those denominations, church members and congregations spent more time loving each other and loving Him.

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